Bjoern E Christensen

Bjoern has been at the forefront of VGI over the last 8 years being one of the key drivers of industry defining projects and actual V2G commercial deployments serving as the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) of Nuvve, the world leader in V2G solutions.As CSO Bjoern was responsible for developing and implement strategies for Nuvve’s VGI expansion into the world market and specifically positioning Nuvve as the world leader in V2G solutions.Bjoern was a key driver of the Nikola and the Parker project in Denmark including key in writing the project applications and securing funding, and secured the qualification for Nuvve to participate in grid services in Denmark.Latest Bjoern secured Nuvve the large INVENT project at the University of San Diego funded by the California Energy Commission, to pave the way for commercial VGI fleet solutions in California and beyond. Bjoern served as the Principal Investigator on the project.During his time with Nuvve Bjoern worked closely with Prof. Willett Kempton widely considered the "Father of Vehicle-to-Grid" technology.Bjoern brings more than 30 years of international experience in Technology, Marketing, Business Development and Corporate Venture Capital.Prior to Nuvve, Bjoern co-founded the Corporate Venture fund Siemens Mustang Ventures in Silicon Valley and was named President & CEO.Siemens Mustang Ventures invested in some of the most successful IT/Networking startups of the time and helped them towards successful IPOs (COM21, Efficient Networks, Extreme Networks, Phone.Com, Virata, Sycamore Networks, Cambridge Silicon Radio).Through these investments Siemens gained access to best in class technologies on favorable conditions. Furthermore, he facilitated a number of M&A transactions, where Siemens acquired the portfolio companies.Later Bjoern served as President & CEO of Siemens Venture Capital (SVC), with worldwide responsibility for all Siemens AG venture investments. SVC had over 660M Euro under management in five funds: Energy, Industry, Healthcare , IT/Networking and Fund-in-Funds.Bjoern helped SVC to become one of the worlds most prominent and successful Corporate Venture Groups with 70+ direct investments and 30+ fund investments and with offices in San Jose, Boston, Munich, Beijing and Tel Aviv.Bjoern holds a Master of Science from the Technical University of Denmark and resides in Silicon Valley.

CALL-TO-ACTIO: V2G Standards and Interoperability

After a long summer pause, here we go again. This is the fourth in a series of posts designed to build a bridge between the “expert V2G world” and the “non-V2G-expert world” and educate and address head-on the critical issues often raised in connection with V2G. Question “Where are we on V2G Standards and Interoperability?”. …

CALL-TO-ACTIO: V2G Standards and Interoperability Read More »

Moving the V2G Needle – Enabling Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Interoperability

In 1997 Prof. Kempton, University of Delaware, published a paper titled “ELECTRICAL VEHICLES AS A NEW POWER SOURCE FOR ELECTRIC UTILITIES”. That was the start of the concept of bidirectional electric vehicles also known as V2G. That is now 27 years ago! Since, starting in 2011, more than 100+ V2G trials and projects have been …

Moving the V2G Needle – Enabling Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Interoperability Read More »

 V2X og Beredskab for Danmark- Hvis krisen kommer

På den sidste dag af 2024 Folkemødet på Bornholm (300 km vest for Rusland) – hvor de fleste deltagere så småt forberedte sig på næste uges arbejde og en snarlig tiltrængt ferie – dalede der pludselig en melding om “Beredskab” ind i debatten. “Forsvarsminister Troels Lund Poulsen proklamerede lørdag på Folkemødet, at danskerne skal kunne klare …

 V2X og Beredskab for Danmark- Hvis krisen kommer Read More »